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Notice of Proposed Property Taxes / Truth in Millage (TRIM) Notice

The Notice of Proposed Property Taxes is a very important document relating to your proposed property value and taxes for the current year. It is your official notice that includes:

  • Market Value of your property, as determined by the Property Appraiser, as of January 1st
  • Property tax exemptions applied to your property
  • Tax rates and taxes proposed by your local taxing authorities
  • Dates and times all taxing authorities hold hearings to adopt their tax rates and budgets

This is not a tax bill. You will receive your tax bill around November 1st from the Tax Collector. To access a Notice of Proposed Property Taxes/TRIM Notice, first locate the parcel using the Quick Search. Once on the parcel detail page, open the "Tools" tab located on the right-side of the screen and select the TRIM Notice button.

Some helpful Notice of Proposed Property Taxes resources:

If you disagree with your property value or exemption status, we would like the opportunity to discuss it with you!

If you believe your proposed value is higher or lower than market value as of January 1st, we encourage you to speak to your area appraiser. Their contact information is printed on the TRIM Notice. Our goal is to ensure that your property is appraised equitably and accurately, and we are happy to speak with you about your value.

If you believe you are eligible for an exemption but do not see it listed on the Notice, our friendly Public Information Specialists can help you navigate the qualifications, answer questions and help you apply.

If you believe you have been incorrectly denied an exemption, please feel free to discuss this with our Exemption Specialists. They have in-depth knowledge of the requirements and can help decipher the information for you.

If you have questions regarding any of the above or need further clarification, call our friendly and informative team members at (727) 464-3207 or visit one of our four locations. Many of your value and exemption questions can be answered quickly.